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Night Skies


What is a Shamanic Journey?

A shamanic journey is a technique used by shamans for centuries where you enter into an altered state of consciousness in order to visit the spirit realms and access your soul's memory bank. Your soul intentionally travels to the invisible world in order to gain insights, guidance and healing from the spirit world. Much like a guided visualization meditation, it can feel as if you are inside of a dream. Whether you travel to the past, the future or to a specific aspect of yourself, the experience can have a profound impact on your evolutionary path.


What to Expect in a Session

We'll start by setting an intention for what it is you wish to experience. Then we'll listen to some drumming music to help get ourselves into a relaxed trance state, also known as the theta brainwave state. I will recite a traditional shamanic innovation to call in spirits from all 7 directions in order to create a safe, protected and sacred circle for our journey. As we enter into an altered state of consciousness, all you'll need to do is relax, surrender and enjoy the trip. I will guide your journey as little or as much as you need me to. Some clients need will guidance throughout the entire experience and others will simply take off on their own telling me what they see as they go. I will make sure that your intention remains clear so that you stay on track to receiving whatever it is you intended to receive.


As with all of my offerings, I will relay whatever spirit shares with me - whether it be visuals, messages, feelings or sensations. If healing is needed and you have given us permission to offering you healing, I will relay whatever I am shown around the healing that takes place. I will also send Reiki if and when I'm guided to as a way to assist the healing process. You will feel cherished and loved as your angels and guides work collaboratively to support you.


As soon as the journey is complete, which is typically about 30 minutes, I will guide you back into your body. We will then take a little time to journal, process and reflect on your journey. You are welcome to do to an audio recording of our session to capture whatever comes through.


What Kinds of Experiences Can I Expect to Have?

The experience of a shamanic journey will vary from person to person. It will depend on factors such as the individual's mindset, the intention and purpose of the journey, and also how developed a person's psychic senses are. Some people experience vivid and detailed visions, while others may have a more subtle or abstract experience. Most will experience at least one interaction with a spirit guides which is highly personal.


How Can a Guided Shamanic Journey Help Me?

There are many ways that shamanic journeying can be helpful. You might:

  • receive clarity, guidance and support with a challenge or with your soul's mission

  • get assistance with the relationships in your life, and determine if there are past life situations affecting this one

  • discover and better understand what inner self-work is needed

  • get clearer about which direction to head in your life if you're at a crossroad

  • figure out why you have certain issues, fears, anxieties etc. by finding it's origin point and then healing it

  • get clarity around physical health issues, including long-term or life-threatening illness or diseases that mainstream medicine seems unable to help you with

  • tap into to future timelines and pull them forward so they can be brought into your current timeline

You certainly don’t need to have issues in order to benefit from a session. Do expect to have a transformational experience that will help you get to know yourself at a deeper cosmic level!

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