
What is Channeling?
Channeling is a form of telepathy. When I channel I essentially raise my vibrational frequency in order to connect and communicate with higher intelligence. I allow my guides to speak through me in order to give others access to the divine guidance and wisdom they hold.
Who Exactly Are We Communicating With?
The collective of energy beings that I channel includes many ascended masters, archangels, angels, master teachers, and healers. They are higher-dimensional beings of the non-physical realm and expressions of God/Source, much like we all are. At times, I also communicate with God/Source itself. I often use the term "Spirit" to encompass all of the above.
Spirit knows us at a soul level and understands what we came here to work on in this incarnation. Spirit is able to view our human experiences from a much broader vantage point than we can, offering us a "higher perspective" that can be incredibly helpful. Our guides and angels love providing us with guidance and sharing the wisdom that they've acquired through many of their own incarnations. They are tasked with assisting our spiritual evolution and ascension process, both individually and collectively. I can assure you that their intentions are always pure and for the highest good of all, and their messages always come through in an incredible supportive way with so much love and light! They aim to assist us our healing journeys by helping us to release dense energy such as old wounds, traumas and negative thought patterns that don't serve us. Doing so allows us to ascend into higher expressions of our true divine selves so that we can experience more love, peace, harmony and divine bliss.
On a personal level, my team has helped me to develop a clearer understanding of my life’s purpose as well as the lessons that I came here to master through this incarnation. They continue to guide and support me through my life challenges and help me to find the learning opportunities in everything that I experience. They encourage and inspire me in the most loving and supportive ways, and sometimes they just make me laugh, and remind me to lighten up and have more fun!
What to Expect in a Session
After briefly connecting with you and answering any questions you might have for me, I will get into "channel mode" and call in my divine team. They will typically have an opening message for you (because they already know what they want to tell you!), then you can begin asking for what you'd like their guidance on. It is your chance to have a conversation with them, and I simply act as the facilitator and conduit. Though they do typically already know what you need to hear, I recommend preparing some questions in advance in order to get the most out of your session. Receive sample questions here.
I assure you that they are anxiously "waiting in the wings" for the opportunity to connect and share their wisdom with you!