Sample Questions
Your questions can be on almost any topic including life purpose, career, health, relationships, finances etc. Your guides already know what is most important for you to know, and your questions simply open the door for a dialogue. If you’re wanting a general reading it’s best to stick to big picture questions, but if you are seeking detailed information then try to be as specific as you can in your questions. Hopefully this list will give you plenty of ideas!
Life Purpose / Career
What is my primary purpose in this lifetime? Is there anything I need to know that would help me to become better aligned with my purpose?
What is my most important role in this lifetime?
What blocks are holding me back from living my best life?
Why can’t I seem to move forward in my life?
What talents and gifts do I posses? Do I have hidden talents that I am not yet aware of?
What kind of career/business best fits my life purpose?
Would I benefit from making a career change at this point in my life? And if so what line of work should I be considering?
What is blocking me from becoming successful in my career/business? What actions should I take in order to further advance my career/business?
What is limiting me from manifesting abundance in my life?
What is the best next step for me to take in order to _________?
Why is my financial situation the way it is? What actions should I take to improve my financial situation?
What else would I benefit from knowing at this time?
Personal & Spiritual Growth
What is blocking me or holding me back from living in my highest purpose?
What is my greatest challenge that I need to overcome in this lifetime?
What is my greatest limitation and how can I best overcome it?
What lesson(s) do I need to learn regarding ___(a specific pattern or recurring theme)____?
What is the best possible outcome for __(a situation)__?
Who are my greatest mentors and teachers and what am I suppose to learn from them?
How can I learn to connect and communicate with my spirit guides?
What belief(s) or idea(s) did I inherit from my family or culture that do not serve my highest good?
Why do I fear ___________?
Why do I feel so insecure about __________ ?
Why do I always feel that I need to please others?
Why do I lack self-worth?
What is my greatest pattern of self-sabotage in my life?
How do I stop this never ending cycle of _________?
What emotional blocks do I have that are preventing me from flourishing?
How do I move from ________ to __________?
What do I need to know and understand about myself in order to accept and love myself completely?
What else would be important for me to know at this time?
What is blocking me from having the romantic relationship I desire?
What do I need to release or heal in order to move forward and be able to love again?
What is preventing me from having healthy romantic relationships in my life?
How can I move past the hurt from my divorce/separation/break up?
How can I improve my relationship with my spouse/partner? What is holding us back from having a deeper connection and healthy relationship?
How can I improve my relationship with my mom/dad/sibling etc.?
How can I release the issue or pattern of conflict I have with _______?
What is important for me to know about my relationship with _______?
Is it my best interest to let go of my relationship with _______?
Why is _______ in my life at this time? What am I supposed to learn from or teach this person?
What is the best possible outcome for my relationship with______?
What is my most important role in my family?
Health and Wellness
What action(s) should I take in order to heal _______?
Is there anything that is blocking me from being able to heal completely?
What lesson(s) am I supposed to learn from this illness/ailment?
How can I become more balanced and centered in my life?
How can I feel less stressed out and anxious in my life?
What should I do to feel more energized?
Where am I giving away too much of my energy to others?
What is the best type of exercise for my body to do right now?
What is the best diet for me to follow right now?
Additional Questions for the Akashic Records
(past life experiences, soul contracts etc.)
Have I had shared a past life or many lives with ________ ? And if so, what was the nature of our previous relationship(s)? And what are we here to help each other learn now?
Is _______ part of my soul family?
What role did I agree to play in my relationship with _________?
Approximately how many past lives have I had?
How are my past lives influencing this life?
Do I have any limitations or blocks that come from past lives? And if so, what are they and how can I best overcome them?
Is there something that happened in a previous life that is causing me to always feel ___________?
Did I have a past life experience that is influencing how I view money or abundance?
What career is best suited for me, and was this a role I played in previous lives?
What behaviors or beliefs am I carrying from past lives that are self-limiting? And how can I release them?
What is my primary purpose in this lifetime? And how can I best achieve what my soul set out to accomplish?
Have I made any soul contracts in past lives that are impacting my current life? If so what are they, and how can I best clear them?
Is there any karma from a past live that I need to clear or balance?
What would my soul self like me to know today?